

Citizen science

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Our Wetlands

Situated on a major flood-plain, Marden has extensive wetland areas with fields regularly inundated in winter. To the natural network of ponds, ditches, drains and boggy areas, specially constructed lakes and swales are being added to prevent downstream flooding.

Already home to one of the UK’s highest densities of great-crested newts, new species such as the willow emerald damselfly and the great white egret have recently arrived. Meanwhile, a number of Kent’s Biodiversity Action Plan priority species are found here, including one of the rarest in the country.

Unfortunately, chemical pollution from local industry and sewage from new housing,  exacerbated by regular winter flooding, is a constant threat. Volunteers maintain a watchful eye to preserve the water quality essential for the vulnerable invertebrates and plants that underpin the wetland ecology.

Fauna and Flora

We have generically grouped all our Fauna and Flora and know that these groupings aren't always perfectly correct, but this has been done to make it simple to get an idea of the variety of species we have in our parish. We do not expect this website to be used as an encyclopaedia. 


Our unique environment allows a great variety of species

Reptiles & Amphibians & Mammals

You'll be surprise what's we have in the area


Great variety of moths, butterflies, dragonflies and more


Without these Trees and Plants would not survive

Orchids & Flowers

Such a diverse amount of flowers in different environments

Trees and what comes with them

Trees create homes for many different elements of wildlife

We work with

Kent Wildlife Trust
Making Space for Nature
Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland