The Tale of the Turtle Dove
Coming Soon!
The Tale of the Turtle Dove is a walk-about outdoor performance piece by Marden-based drama company Fabulous Projects to entertain, educate and intrigue its audiences. It explores the place the turtle dove used to have in our hearts and will encourage its audiences to fall back in love with it.
Through song, story-telling and comedy, this visual piece will rekindle our lost love for one of the UK’s most iconic birds.
Recent Update
Two Turtle Doves visited Marden Primary Academy last week. Ray and Mj presented the Marden Wildlife turtle dove research to the teaching staff and discussed ideas for engaging their students in educational and creative activities around bird conservation, nature and all things turtle dove.
Classroom work can be linked to science, literacy, art, maths and music lessons to teach and engage the young students in learning about the local turtle dove population. There’s a positive message here too, about how human intervention can often have beneficial effects on nature and our surroundings; it’s not always negative!
Staff are considering embedding the project across the whole curriculum and plans are afoot to support Marden Primary Academy from September to embrace this important local story – with its international implications.
Maryjane Stevens
May 2024