Marden Wildlife
Local Wildlife Group for Marden
In the Low Weald of Kent
Welcome to Marden Wildlife, a site for those interested in discovering Marden’s rich biodiversity. We invite people to explore, record, conserve and, above all, enjoy the plants and animals to be found in the parish.
Citizen Science
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birds ringed for scientific study and conservation

Welcome to Marden Wildlife, a site for those interested in discovering Marden’s rich biodiversity. We invite people to explore, record, conserve and, above all, enjoy the plants and animals to be found in the parish. Some key species are described, along with the work being done to conserve them.
Much of our wildlife is found on farmland, so we hope the information will help people understand how farming activity is changing to improve the natural environment on which we all depend.
What we do!
We are an open group of people with a shared love of nature and wildlife. We have birders, ringers, flower specialists, fungi spotters, farmers wanting to protect the environment and just general Joes interested in wildlife and wanting to learn a little more. We have professional and amateur photographers taking photos of our unique wildlife and sharing with the group for further expansion of knowledge.
Our Habitats
The Marden Parish has a great variety of different types of habitats for wildlife, which then support a number of different groups of fauna and flora.