EA-funded pollinator seed mixture
The strip of land next to the footpath at this point has been written into the farm’s Countryside Stewardship Scheme as a pollen and nectar mix. Often mixtures sold by seedsmen for this purpose can be a mixture of a few cheaply- grown nectar plants. These offer a resource for pollinating insects, but the fewer the plant species available in the mix, the lower the number of pollinators who can benefit from the strip. Some flowers offered are not UK native flowers.
We have therefore been fortunate in being supplied with 3kg of an enhanced pollen and nectar mix containing 26 different wildflower species to sow at this location. This mix includes both annuals, which we hope will self-seed back into the strip, as well as perennials. This has been funded by the Environment Agency, as part of their efforts to increase biodiversity in our area. Despite a difficult spring and summer of 2021, more species are emerging. Periodically, we need to mow the strip to keep the ranker weeds under control, generally this will be at the end of summer.
Here are some of the species we have seen so far:
Below: Borage, Vipers Bugloss and Cornflowers summer 2021
Below: Kidney Vetch, May 2022
Below: Vipers Bugloss, Cornflowers and Bird’s Foot Trefoil, August 2021
We invite walkers to post flower pictures on Marden Wildlife Facebook page from this strip if they see anything new and exciting – although no doubt there will be weeds emerging in the strip, due to the absence of herbicides.
Like all our land, this site is managed to maximise biodiversity. To help us in this work, please keep to waymarked footpaths, and keep dogs under close control. Please clear up after your dog, as the nutrients and chemicals to control parasites excreted in dog faeces can affect plants and insects. Thank you!